Monday, June 1, 2009

Box Tops for Education

The Box Tops program is essentially free money for schools. There are many products that have Box Tops. For a complete list, go here. Some of the Box Tops we clip regularly come off the bottoms of Kleenex boxes. Each Box Top is worth ten cents and they add up fast. For the 2008-09 school year, we collected $2,485.50 in Box Tops. Tiebreaker kids are amazing Box Tops collectors.

We have Box Top collection competitions with each class competing against every other class in the school to see which one can collect the most Box Tops. The winning class gets a pizza party with ice cream sundaes at the end of the school year. The class in second place gets an ice cream sundae party and the class in third place gets ice cream sandwiches.

We also have daily Box Top prize drawings. This motivates the kids to keep bringing their Box Tops in. This is important in order to discourage hoarding. Box Tops have expiration dates on them, so we don't want the kids to hoard them so long that they expire. If they bring them in each month, or every other month, we can avoid having too many expired Box Tops. 

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