Tuesday, February 9, 2010

PTO Meeting Reminder
Thursday, Feb. 11
3:00 - 4:00
Tiebreaker Teacher's Lounge
Items to Discuss:
* Report Success of Barnes & Noble Book Fair
* Parent Feedback on Book Fair
* Read-A-Thon
* Lunch Bunch Break
Babysitting is provided.
We hope to see you there!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Barnes & Noble Book Fair

Saturday, February 6th
Tiebreaker Elementary's Barnes & Noble Book Fair

Schedule of Events:
1:00 Stories read by Mrs. Denkers
1:15 Stories read by Ms. Cook
1:30 Stories read by Mrs. Christensen
1:45 Stories read by Ms. Austin
2:00 Kindergarten Performance
2:15 1st Grade Performance
2:30 2nd Grade Performance
2:45 3rd Grade Performance
3:00 4th Grade Performance
3:15 5th and 6th Grade Performances
3:30 Essay Winners
4:00 Stories read by Ms. Howell
4:15 Stories read by Mrs. Whitehead

Be sure to check in at the table in the children's department and . . .
  • Get your reward pass for coming and supporting our Book Fair
  • Get your treat and prize for the book cover contest
  • Make a Valentine for your teacher--the teacher with the most wins a prize!
Remember: Mention Tiebreaker prior to
each purchase!
Then bring your receipt to one of the welcome tables at either entrance and spin the wheel for a prize! What will you win? Candy? A free book? A $5 gift card? A free recess? 1 A.R. point? A pencil or bookmark? Pick a treasure from the treasure box? Come and find out!

Parents, please have your children at the Children's Department at Barnes & Noble five minutes prior to their performance. Thank you!