Accelerated Reading Program - $3,000
Art Supplies - $500
Babysitting at Meetings, $180
Back-to-School Night - $150
Bank Fees/NSF Charges - $45
Class Parties (over what was collected), $200
End of Year Assembly, $250
Family Fun Nights, $1,500
Gifts, $200
Hand Sanitizer Refills, $550
Kindergarten Graduation, $75
Macaroni Theater, $350
Meeting Refreshments, $100
Office Supplies, $300
Patriot's Day Observance, $100
Playground Equipment, $1,500
Postage, $75
Registration Food, $75
Registration Magnets, $338.07
Spirit Week, Donuts with Dad, $300
Spirit Week, Muffins with Mom, $300
Spirit Week, Other, $150
Teacher Appreciation, $1,200
Veteran's Day, $175
Total Budget = $11,613.07