Monday, July 27, 2009

Art Donations Needed

The Art program at Tiebreaker is provided by parent volunteers and the supplies can be quite costly. Therefore, we've come up with a wish list of items we go through quickly. We're very grateful for any donations for art supplies that you might be willing to give. Here is a list of our current needs.

Large containers of  washable  paints in the following colors: black, white, green, blue, and brown. Staple's sells these 16 oz. bottles for $4.79 each. Wal Mart also carries large bottles of paint. 

Large containers of Elmer's White Glue, such as this gallon size for $15.79 at Staple's. Please, no glue sticks or small bottles of white glue. We go through white glue too quickly to use the smaller sizes and they clog easily. The glue sticks aren't strong enough for most of our art projects.

Large sheets of white construction paper, 12" x 18". Staples sells a 50-pack for $4.79. We go through this paper very quickly, so we can always use a lot of it.

Others items are as follows:
  • small paintbrushes
  • sponges
  • 3 oz. disposable cups
  • small paper plates
  • old shirts to use for paint shirts
We appreciate any donations that you might be able to make for our art program, and thank you!